Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"pot" o gold

I think the true sign of a real New Yorker is someone who knows where and how to find a restroom when one is not readily available. When walking around, it's always a bonus to know where to find a terlet. For instance, most chain stores have restrooms--Barnes & Noble, Old Navy, Banana Republic (some of them), Crate and Barrels, etc. Also, any dept store is a good bet. And if you're in midtown, and in the need of a private room, Takashimaya and Bendels both have huge, one-person restrooms.
I bring all of this up because I had to leave work today due to not feeling so well. Another important thing to know is where to find the private bathrooms in or around your office building. When working on 54th btw 5th and Madison, we used the Takashimaya private rooms because they were just around the corner. In the Hearst building, alot of people swear by the 2nd floor bathrooms that are off of the cafeteria, but I never liked those. I preferred the two private rooms on the first floor. I think alot of people had no clue about these. So, today, when I had a bit of an issue at the Time/Life building, I called on coworkers to alert me to where the private toilets are. I know alot of people take the elevator up to another floor that has a handicapped bathroom, but people sit right there, so I wasn't so into that. I was then shown the amazing fleet of restrooms on the floor with the conference room (which was empty today). It was a great find! Huge men's and women's rooms with a private one in the middle. Not sure where I'm working next month, but be certain that when I get there, I WILL find that pot o gold!!!
So, when in the city of millions, there are toilets available, just think outside the bowl.


Howard said...

That's such a NY thing and I remember having a few go-to's if the unthinkable should come calling. I still swear by the top floor bathroom at Bloomingdales. You have to really want it since it's an elevator ride and a maze of wandering away. But all marble and clean and empty 98% of the time.

Howard said...

That 98% is totally not scientific. I've just never seen anyone in it. But I figure someone has to go in there so I call it 98%.