Saturday, May 31, 2008

terminal 5

Don't know why the video is appearing twice in the post below, but while I'm here, I thought I'd mention that I finally saw a show at Terminal 5, and it is an amazing venue! Three levels with bars, bathrooms, and coat checks on all levels. Laura B went with me to see Devotchka. Great show!! They, however, did not play my favorite song. Here's a live version from another show:


Tomorrow is June 1—to me that means summer. The weather here in NYC has been rather erratic as of late (does that sound poetic?). We've had hot days followed by cold days. The allergies are out of control. It's been rainy, then sunny, then rainy again which equals terrible humidity. But with all of this comes a spirit of the city that I've always loved. New Yorkers love being outdoors—sitting in the park, dining at sidewalk cafes, just walking around. Last week I actually had a date (no, hell didn't freeze over as far as I'm aware). We met, then walked across the Brooklyn Bridge which was lit up in celebration of its 125th anniversary. It was beautiful, and so nice to be outside (even though I was hacking up a lung from all of the ragweed that was floating around). Aside from the swarms of people that emerge onto the streets, summer in New York is announced by the stench of trash baking curbside and rat and mouse populations being more apparent. The other night I was walking Pico and saw 4 or 5 rats just sitting on the sidewalk munching away on some food—probably bread crumbs and scraps left by some old lady to feed the pigeons. Also, the subway stations become saunas and extremely rodent-infested. Yesterday as I was waiting for the train to get to work, I was watching two mice run around on the platform. The train came across the track, and one of the mice almost jumped onto one of the cars—I wonder how often that happens. Ahhhh, I'm just glad the summer is here. Happy to not be wearing a coat. Now I just need to find an able-bodied friend to help me get my AC back in the window...

hit it, Harriet!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

shout out

This is a blog shout out to the assholes named Laura and Laura who woke me up with a call from the New Kids on the Block performance on the Today Show this morning. I don't know why, but I thought they were stupid when they came out. I think I was in 9th grade, and was starting to get into classic rock (what up KLBJ) and of course bands like Depeche Mode, The Cure, The Sugarcubes, etc...

Ok, going to take a shower, but I must mention the other friend of mine who scored press passes for the NKOTB show. I'm sure she's going to do a huge write up about them. HAHAHA!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

what has the world come to?

or should I say, what's wrong with me that I'm excited about this:

thank you, Andrew for cluing me in on this amazing news!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Life has gotten the best of me for the past two weeks. Pico got really sick with giardia which means that I was outside with her all night because she was getting sick. Then I would come home to an apt filled with poo. It was terrible, but she's much, much better now.
I know alot has happened that I should write about, but right now I am barely functioning because I had way, way, way too much to drink last night at the SPD awards. The tiny piece of chicken with couscous just wasn't enough food. Then I went to the after party. I did finally get the chance to talk to someone I've been wanting to meet for a while. I'm relieved that I spoke to him, but he seemed somewhat preoccupied with a coworker who may possibly be more than a coworker. Oh well.
ok, well, I have to go get my hair dyed now, so more later when I'm not about to die. I just wanted to write something so I don't end up back on Howard's poser list.